Friday, January 7, 2011

Vision for SMEs in Nigeria

A quick means of moving farm produce to the markets
 You might be bemused by these images. I am certainly not.

What I see are multi billion Naira Industries. Industries that are in their infancy.

Bear with me and consider the following facts:
  1. Population ~ 150,000,000
  2. Land mass ~ 900,000km2
  3. Urban:Rural population ~ 30%:70%
  4. % of population living below the poverty line ~ 65
  5. % of population over 15years of age that is engaged in primary agriculture > 50.
    Cottage cassava processing factory in rural village, Delta State, Nigeria
I envision a Nigerian nation where one of every ten persons you meet is an active and productive entrepreneur.

Entrepreneurship is one endeavour at which Nigerians can compete and beat the world. I do not know one Nigerian adult that is not thinking seriously about starting a business.  Our entrepreneurial spirit is just Supreme.

My dream and my mission is to help make this a reality.

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